
Friday, January 13, 2012

What does it all mean?

Have you ever had a thought, that seemed to not go away and over time, God shows you more and more of the picture?  I shared a few days ago that I had felt a leading of the Lord to refresh my spanish speaking.  Not knowing why, I have hesitated.  I mentioned it to a few people and one of them specifically said, she had had a dream about me leading a ministry to spanish speaking women, she thought possibly in another country.  One of the missionaries at our church ministers in Guatemala and recently has been working with people who live in the city garbage dump.  I have been reading and soaking up every word from an author named Ann Voskamp who's book I read last year and I am getting ready to lead a study with a few ladies centered around the principles she talks about in the book.  I was reading her blog the other day, and couldn't believe my eyes or the feeling in my heart as she talked about having met a man, Saul, when she was in Guatemala who had been ministering in the garbage dump.  It was not, Patrick, our friend who lives there but the irony, coincidence,and specifics of it all really did a number on me! This past week as I spoke to some other missionaries who just returned from Guatemala working in an orphanage, my heartstrings are being tugged upon...I don't know what it all means. I don't know when, how, or what it will take to get there, but, I am very much feeling like the time to GO is drawing near...I want to be faithful, follow His voice, be used as an instrument in the hands of my creator to bless, encourage, teach, love and whatever else He invites me an blesses me with the opportunity to do.

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