
Thursday, November 17, 2011

Not where I once was

Back in January, I took a challenge that I heard on a radio station that I enjoy listening to in which they encouraged people to choose a word to guide your living for the year as opposed to making a resolution.  I have never been one to actually make a resolution but I do enjoy the benefits of making a plan and striving to achieve it.  I also liked the idea that by choosing this word, it had the potential to change a part of my character that needed to be improved, that had the potential to impact several areas of my life as opposed to just changing a particular behavior which is what a resolution seemed to do.  So, after praying and wavering between two words, I finally settled on "intentional."  I wanted this word to apply to my relationships with my family and friends, my relationship and devotion to the Lord, and any other things I took on.  I felt like this word would help me set better boundaries for myself because I would be counting the cost before I committed to something.  Several months in to this, I can look back and see that I have made some progress and that I still have a way to go.

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